Established and Administered by: ALL INDIA UNANI TIBBI CONFERENCE (WEST BENGAL UNIT) (Regd. under W.B Societies Act, XXVI of 1961 No. S/72079) (Affiliated to the W.B University of Health Sciences)

Regulated by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Department of AYUSH, Government of India
Admission Permission is granted through letter NO. 0-14014/7/2020-EP(1) dated 09.11.2020 of the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
Affiliated by the West BengalUniversity of Health Sciences Receipt No. 000109 dated 13.01.2020.
This Program consists of 5 ½ yrs. duration ( 4 ½ yrs.+ 1yr.compulsary rotator internship training). The Academic 4 ½ yrs are divided into 04 sessions ( 03 sessions of 1 yr each & and the last of 1 ½ yrs. duration).
Student should join the one year compulsory internship within 30 days of declaration of final professional result and complete the internship without any gap.
NOTE: No stipend during internship.
The final Degree will be awarded by the West Bengal University of Health Sciences.
A student must obtain a minimum of 75% attendance in all papers separately. A student who has between 60% and 74% attendance on grounds of illness or involvement in extra-curricular activities will have to seek condonation from the Principal, producing valid documents. In case of illness, the student must submit a doctor’s medical certificate and related documents along with the application for leave. Leave application must be submitted within three days of the student’s absence. Submission of leave application in itself will not suffice for the purpose of obtaining condonation. A student will be debarred from appearing for the Examination in the paper/papers in which he/she has less than the required attendance without condonation. Condonation in case must be in explicit written form authorized by the Authority. A student who is condoned will have to pay a condonation fee. A student with attendance below 40% in all the papers in a any professional year may be struck off the College Rolls or he/she may be allowed to repeat the following academic year, at the discretion of the Authority. The name of a student who is continuously absent for 15 working days without submitting any information to the College will be struck off the College Rolls.
Selection will be on the basis of NEET Result & All India/State Counseling process.
New session commence from July each year, but new first year class start a bit later, classes, remain closed on Govt. Holidays. 1st BUMS (1 & ½ year’s duration)
In the BUMS the minimum number of hours for lecture, demonstration Practical and Seminar classes in the subjects will be as under Rules. To appear for the University Exam, 75% attendance separately in theoretical and practical classes is required.
Out of full marks for each subject, a candidate must acquire 50% marks required for passing 1st BUMS examination, it should be as follows : Presently 50% marks each in the theoretical & Practical and Oral marks are required for Internal Assessment as such the students have to appear 08 session or internal exams and 04 University exams.
Calcutta Unani Medical College & Hospital is a private College run by the All India Unani Tibbi Conference, a Society registered under Societies Act XXV1 of 1961 N0.S/72079 and affiliated under the West Bengal University of Health Sciences. This is the only Unani College in the eastern region of the Country and has tremendous potential for Excellence. The College follows the Rules and regulations of its parent Body and as well as the West Bengal University of Health Sciences.
As the student enters the Calcutta Unani Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, vast opportunities open up before him/her. This also entails certain responsibilities on their parts. This College has been founded with a mission to produce graduates of Kamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat (BUMS) of excellent ability to face the new challenges in the universal field of Health. The traditions and values of this knowledge will have to be protected and promoted by the students themselves. The Authority expects that the students shall strictly abide by the rules and regulations followed by the College.
- Decency in Dress and decorum in behavior.
- Punctuality
- Disciplined, focused approach to your life in general and to your studies in particular.
- Application and interest in studies.
- Awareness of social conditions around you and in the world and developing a compassionate and proactive response to them.
- Adherence to secular values and ideals.
- A scientific outlook.
- In addition, please note the following Norms/Rules which are to be adhered to and observed scrupulously:
- Read the Notice Board daily.
- Show your Identity Card at the gate when entering the college and always keep it on your person when in college. Exchange or leading of one’s identity card is a serious offence.
- The entire college is “No Smoking Zone”. Respect it.
- Bringing outside guests/friends in the college is strictly prohibited.
- Punctuality is be maintained in all matters – specially in Class Attendance and Examination Attendance.
- Loitering around or littering in the college /corridors are strictly prohibited.
- Any kind of violent conduct in the college is strictly prohibited.
- Ragging in any forms is strictly prohibited in the college.
- Health/Safety Rules are to be strictly obeyed.
- Secular ideals must be upheld.
- Decorum in dress and behavior must be maintained.
- Damage should not be caused to any college property in any form.
- Reputation of the college must be upheld even outside the college. Improper conduct will also be treated as a criminal offence.
- Reputation of the college must be upheld even outside the college. Improper conduct will also be treated as a criminal offence.
- Each student is provided an Identity Card. This card is to be carried always and presented at the gates, when borrowing books from the Library.
- The Identity Card may not be passed on for use to anyone else, otherwise the owner of the card will be held responsible for any damaged or loss caused by the user.
- If the Identity Card is lost, it should be informed immediately. A new Identity Card may be issued on payment of Rs.200/-.
- In case of transfer or withdrawal from the College, this card must be returned to the College Office.
Use of mobile phones within the building is not permitted. In case of violation of this code, a fine of Rs.500/- will be imposed for the first offence. After that the phone will be confiscated.
Smoking in anywhere in the College premises is strictly forbidden. Class Rooms
The College class rooms may not be used for private study outside College hours. Students are not permitted to go up to the class rooms before the 10.00 am. Bell.
Ragging of any kind and magnitude inside/outside the college campus will not be tolerated and stringent disciplinary action will be taken accordingly. Any incident of ragging must be brought to the notice of the Principal.
Excise slip is to be obtained from the Vice-Principal for absence longer than 5 classes. For long and longer repeated absences which could affect the required attendance percentage, it is the student’s responsibility to keep a duplicate of the excuse letter submitted. The Medical Certificates and the other relevant documents of illness may be submitted.
No poster is to be posted or fixed anywhere on the College walls. For any writing in the walls, strict punishment will be imposed.
- It is recommended that students come to college in simple and unostentatious dress suitable for an academic environment.
- Students must carry Aprons& Id cards.